Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Just because I can

I got my glasses today.

You didn't know I wore glasses? Well actually I don't!

Specsavers have been running these ads where you don't pay for your eye testing and you don't pay for your glasses (up to a certain price) if your health insurance is partnered up with them.

Well mine is.

I don't need glasses though but I wanted a pair just for the hell of it!

I went for my testing and she said yes, I had perfect eyes. I knew that!
But then I said my eyes sometimes get "tired" when I'm at the computer or up in bed reading... She asked if I wanted some magnification and I said yes please!
She hmmm a bit and said "even those +1 magnification reading glasses you get at the chemist would be too strong for you"
"yes they are" I lamented....
But I just wanted glasses!

So because it's all free, she prescribed a pair that are even less magnification than the lowest, general type ones you can get from the chemist...

And today I got the call that they were ready!!
So now, as I'm typing these, I'm looking through my new, FREE FOR ME, Fcuk prescription glasses.
Deno's come later this week and Sarah and Josh are booked in for their visits next week!
Thank you specsavers!
Question is, do they make me look smarter???
(Haven't been game enough to take a photo of myself in them yet so you'll just have to say yes!)

Life returns to normal

I haven't written anything here for a while and I'm really not too sure why because normally I have all sorts of observations that occur to me during the day that I like to share.

I have had a few things against me.
1. I no longer have access to blogger at work (I can't tell you how traumatized I am by that!)
2. I think I've been battling lingering jet lag (I can hear Deno laughing right now)
3. I've been covertly worried that I won't be able to get my fitness back to what it was before we left for America.

So to combat those things...
1. I'm trying to work out a new system so I can still write even though I don't have access at work.
2. Nothing much I can do about potential lingering jet lag but just try to sleep when I'm tired.
3. Don't think about my running and just do it! (And yes I do wear Nike's)

I've got my running to 60kms a week so I should be happy with that shouldn't I? I don't know why I keep feeling like it's not enough. I really really really want to run a marathon. The Gold Coast one is in two months but don't think I'll be ready for that... The Melbourne one is in October and it's reasonable to think I could be ready for that except I'm afraid to run outdoors.
Here's another laughing moment for Deno....
Another factor against me being ready for the marathon is that I'm deathly afraid of magpies!! And to run the kms I need to run to train for a marathon, I need to be doing that on the streets...
I'll probably get out there soon enough but it's always at the back of my mind... For now I'll probably just stick to the esplanade because that seems to be the safest route but then I'm battling coastal winds and just straight routes. I like the variety of turns.
I also really hate running in Winter and through the frosty cold...

So there you go. I didn't really have anything to write here but wanted to break the drought!
And now, I'm going to take photos with my new Nikon D90 which I'm still deeply in love with

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Tummy Troubles

A "friend" of mine has a certain Miss 15 in her house.

This certain Miss 15 claims to be lactose intolerant. She may very well be but my "friend" thought it was funny the other night when this certain Miss 15 was complaining of a gurgly tummy.

"Did you have any dairy?" asked my "friend" to Miss 15
"No" said Miss 15.
"Well what have you eaten?" asked my friend.
This certain Miss 15 then answered, "All I had was what we had for dinner. Vegetables and beans."

Ah, there's really not much more to be said on that!