If I had a dollar for everyone who has said to me
"I thought you were really quiet and reserved when I first met you" I'd have about $20.
Ok, so that's not a ton of money but it still is a common theme.
When people first meet me, they get that impression of me and sure, I am quiet and reserved but only because I like to observe.
We had to write adjectives about people we knew recently and one of the ajectives ascribed to me was "innocent". Really?? Whatever would give someone that idea?
Although there is something to not letting people know you're cluey. The more silent you are, the more they reveal of themselves.
I also respect the saying that says something like
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt"
(Deno your comments are not welcome here!)
So when I feel comfortable with someone (and that doesn’t take long) the real me comes out.
(Deno your comments are not welcome here!)
So when I feel comfortable with someone (and that doesn’t take long) the real me comes out.
I must admit though, I really hate being thought of as quiet and reserved. It has such an air of boredom! And when people give me that quote in the first paragraph, they always say it with such surprise! As if they're saying "I never knew you could be fun and interesting to talk to"
Ah well.. An air of mystery isn't a bad thing I guess.