Saturday, September 12, 2009

Playing squash & horror reflections...

Deno and I went to play squash today and it really was a lot of fun!

He's been asking me to play for quite some time but as he's really competitive, and I play more for the fun of it, I was a little put off going...

But in the end I thought I'd give it a go and really had a great time. I was actually able to hit the ball and when he held back, even scored a few points for myself!
I can only get better right?

Luckily we had a court that was shielded from the rest of the complex so it was also very private and nobody witnessed my sometimes, lame attempts at the ball.

Oh, I take that back... there was some annoying person watching. She was a frumpy looking thing who I noticed every time I looked at the sheen from the glass at the back of the court. I've also noticed her when I look in my bathroom mirror but thankfully I've learnt to ignore her so I didn't pay her too much attention today either...

So, I don't want to speak to soon, but I think today's activity may have motivated me because later on in the day we went to Harbour Town and I bought a new pair of running shoes!! I plan to use them tomorrow morning...

AND I'm also looking to get the timetable of a gym that's nearby..

I know, I can hardly believe it myself!! but I have to do something to make that annoying frumpy girl I keep seeing in reflective surfaces go away!!

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