Thursday, January 22, 2009

Back at Work

Is there many things more depressing than returning to work after leave? The longer the absence, the harder it is to get yourself into the swing of work...

I returned to work kicking and screaming today. I didn't want to go! and it was worse because Deno and the kids were home. But I got myself there, turned on my computer where I found 552 emails waiting to be read by me. Obviously, a lot of those are junk emails (building notifications, shift swaps, etc) so I just hit delete, delete, delete.

While that may be fun to do, it's very easy to delete something that isn't really junk mail and I hope I haven't done that! But that delete button was my friend today...
After my first break I felt like I'd never even been on leave! Funny how quick your mind reverts back. Order is restored whether I'm happy about it or not!

And over the course of the day I managed to read most of those emails (or delete) write a couple of lengthy potentially non work related emails (I added the word potentially to cover myself should a work person read this!) and catch up on a lot of reading material... luckily it was slowish and I was able to ease myself back in.

Holidays? What holidays?

Bring on the weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL love the "potentially" added in there