Friday, July 24, 2009

I LIke That

I'm starting to get a little excited as the CD I've been working on is getting closer and closer to fruition.
I can't believe that I only started putting these songs together in April! It doesn't seem possible.
I know I've reached the end though because my creativity feels like it's at an all time low. It seems I was working on the last song for ages (although in reality it wasn't… but it felt like it!) and I dread the thought of having to work on a new song right at this moment.

So for me, that settles it - project closed.
I'm now putting the finishing touches on some of the songs, then I'll work on a CD cover, and then I'll figure out how I'm going to get this thing up on

I can't believe it's almost done!

It's hard to be excited about your own project because you don't want people thinking you're blowing your own trumpet, but naturally, you’re proud of your achievement, whatever it is.

I'm thankful for the help and support I got from Deno. I would never have gotten this far if he wasn't encouraging me and sending me more and more lyrics... to the point where I had to say "please Deno no more!!" because I couldn't handle the pressure of having to come up with new music.
I'm a bit silly that way...
But without him I'm sure I would have given up long ago. Big mwah to you honey!

So within the next short while, I'll be advertising my new CD which I'm calling "I Like That".
Between this blog and facebook I'm sure you won't be able to miss the hoo haa when it's finished so if you're interested in getting a copy, be sure to let me know!

It's so close now!
By the way, you can get sneak peak at the unfinished versions of the songs under the "My MP3's" link on the right side of this page.
Feedback always welcome!

1 comment:

Evil Pixie said...

I can't wait! It's going to be so exciting popping that CD into my stereo and having a listen.